Harvard University Scientist Set to Prove Existence of God Using New Mathematical Formula

Harvard University Scientist Set to Prove Existence of God Using New Mathematical Formula

Scientist who specialises in astrophyics at Harvard Univesity is set to unveil a mathematical formula to prove that God exists The Malaysian astrophysicist, Dr Willie Soon said there is a possibility that God exists and noted that this could be proven using mahemaics He said through his work and extensive calculations, the equation might hold the solution to bridging the divide between science and religion

A Harvard University scientist has argued strongly that there is a possibility that God exists. The scientist, Dr Willie Soon, specialises in astrophysics. His assertion has the potential to revolutionize how scientists and religionists understand the universe.

Dr Soon is set to unveil his mathematical formula. He said it holds some clues to prove the existence of some divine higher power. Dr Soon’s innovative hypothesis which is based on cutting-edge mathematics challenges the boundaries between science and spirituality.

The scientist uses extensive calculation and creative reasoning. He argues that his work could bridge the age-long gap between science and religion. Dr Soon’s work is based on what is called the “fine-tuning argument.”

The “finge-tunning argument states that the universe did not just happen by chance. It suggests that there must be a higher power. This is because everything is so precise. According to this argument, the fundamental aspects of the universe, such as the laws of physics, are remarkably precise. This precision allows for the existence of life.

This precision, according to the argument suggests that the arrangement of the universe did not not happen by chance. The finetuneing argument supports the idea that the universe seems to have been precisely tuned for life. This suggests there is a higher power that had everything arranged.

Dr Soon said: “There are so many examples of the ever-present forces that allow us to illuminate our lives. God has given us this light, to follow the light and do the best that we can.

CNBC quoted him as saying in 1963: “It seems to be a fundamental feature of nature. Physical laws are explained by a mathematical theory. This theory possesses great beauty and power… We simply have to accept it.” One could perhaps describe the situation by saying that God is a mathematician of a very high order. He used very advanced mathematics in constructing the universe.


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